课程: Success Habits


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Come out of your comfort zone

Come out of your comfort zone

课程: Success Habits

Come out of your comfort zone

- My next success habit is to come out of your comfort zone every now and then. When faced with something a little bit scary or uncomfortable, do you tend to think, actually I won't? Or do you tend to think, I'm going to have a go at that, it might lead somewhere and it's good for me to push myself? I think a great success rule is never turn down an opportunity, even if it's inconvenient or hard work or scary. And remember that coming out of your comfort zone, isn't necessarily about doing physically scary things like parachute jumping or scuba diving. It could just as well be about things that are mentally scary, like giving a presentation or phoning up a CEO. In fact, success is bound to involve some moments like this. And they're almost certainly going to be mentally scary rather than physically. To be able to come out of your mental comfort zone is a key habit to develop by practicing it every now and then. Just take those opportunities to do things that are a little bit difficult…
