课程: Succeeding in Web Development: Full Stack and Front End

Becoming a web developer

(upbeat music) - All right, looks like that code is ready, and some of these tests are ready to go. Hey there, you're probably here because you're interested in becoming a web developer. That's great. I often get questions from friends, colleagues, and total strangers who are interested in becoming web developers. What's it like to be a developer? How much money can I make? What do I need to know and how do I learn everything? Plus, do I need to buy more hoodies? Hey, I'm Ray Villalobos and for years I've taught a bunch of courses on tools and skills that help developers in their career. But now, I want to focus on the career of a developer, and help you figure out if this is right for you. Now, before we get started, let's discuss what this course is about and who should watch it. We'll start by going over the different types of developers and what a developer career is like so that you can find out whether or not this appeals to you. Then, we'll dig into what every developer needs to know, and dive deeper into the types of technical skills you need to be successful. Then we'll look at the options you have for learning about web development and discuss the always popular question, do I need to get a college degree? Finally, if you decide to pursue the career of a developer, I'll help you get a job. Well, I'll show you how to look for a job, the hiring process for developers and how to negotiate a great salary. Now being a web developer is a great career, that is highly in demand, so if you're interested in learning what it takes, let's get started.
