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Assessing what happened in a negotiation
- Throughout a negotiation, you should be assessing what's happening. Track major negotiating points over time. See what's a plus or a minus versus the last round of negotiations. If you go back to your initial goals and what the other party's initial goals were, their must-haves, want-to-haves, nice-to-haves and also evaluate it for your end, you can track over time where are you making concessions? Where's the other party fighting hard for something? Doing this type of assessment can help you identify what's really important to them and what's not. Assessment can help you identify topics that recur and also areas where they're more willing to make concessions. Be very aware of prior offers that you make. Make sure you have documentation because the other party can bring them back up later and use them against you. Now the good news is you can do the same thing. But if you're not aware of an offer you make or an offer,…