课程: Statistics Foundations 3: Using Data Sets
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Alternative to random samples
- The simple random sample. It's the foundation of dependable statistical analysis. But as we've seen, the simple random sample can be rather elusive. Eliminating bias, and maintaining data independence is challenging. That's why some people use alternative sampling methods. Now, before we explore these sampling alternatives, I want to be sure you understand that the simple random sample is still the only way to get dependable statistical outcomes. Yeah, I know. Some of you are probably screaming at the screen right now, "Hey, if the simple random sample is the only way to ensure dependable results, why would anyone use these alternatives? Well, these alternative methods are simple. Simple to organize, easy to carry out, and often they seem both logical and sound. Let's quickly look at some of these alternative sampling methods, and the weaknesses associated with each one. For a systematic…