课程: Starting Your Career as a Financial Analyst
Should I learn crypto as a financial analyst?
课程: Starting Your Career as a Financial Analyst
Should I learn crypto as a financial analyst?
- [Interviewer] And then, I also see that you do some stuff, and you mentioned it earlier, around cryptocurrencies, cryptocurrency markets and all that. Is this something that someone should pay attention to, in terms of a job? I know it's interesting maybe as an investor, but where do you see that coming into play here? I mean, you hear about it all the time in the news. How important is that to, you know, a job in this field? Is it something that you must know, you should just know a little about? I mean, where do you stand on all that? - [Interviewee] Yeah I know, I would say, not just with cryptocurrencies and blockchain, but with all of the new technologies, I would say, even if you don't want to invest on it or even if you don't want to become like a blockchain mogul or something that, - [Interviewer] Mh hmm. - [Interviewee] You'll need to learn, about all of these new technologies, even a little bit, in order to stay ahead of the future. So like right now, these technologies like blockchain for example, it's not a thing of the present. It happened already like a couple of years ago, so if you are still, just like learning the basics of it right now, you would be already a bit late. - [Interviewer] Hmm. - [Interviewee] So, that's what I give. If people don't know anything about like cryptocurrencies or blockchain right now, I would recommend them again, just quickly to go Google, go to Medium and then some learning a little bit of it and at the same time, try to research on what are the new technologies, that will happen in the next couple of years. - [Interviewer] Mh hmm. - [Interviewee] Such as artificial intelligence, machine learning or quantum computing.
Intro3 分钟 42 秒
Christian's backstory and living in Australia1 分钟 21 秒
The Financial Fox backstory1 分钟 33 秒
Key lessons for financial analysts2 分钟 16 秒
Finance vs. accounting42 秒
What is finance automation?51 秒
What tools are good for finance analysts?5 分钟 15 秒
Day in the life of a financial analyst1 分钟 46 秒
Presentation musts for financial analysts2 分钟 39 秒
How important are soft skills for financial analysts?2 分钟 24 秒
Should I learn crypto as a financial analyst?1 分钟 34 秒
Will quantum computing change everything?2 分钟 5 秒
What machine learning skills should I learn for finance?6 分钟 5 秒
Benefits of becoming a financial analyst2 分钟 15 秒
Skills you need to level up your finance career2 分钟 55 秒
What the future holds for financial analysts2 分钟 11 秒
What is AutoML?2 分钟 32 秒
What is blockchain?2 分钟 6 秒
Outro6 秒