课程: Squarespace Essential Training: The Basics


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Challenge: Adding a testimonial

Challenge: Adding a testimonial

(bright music) - [Narrator] Our homepage is almost done. We've got a great introduction. We've got our services. The last thing I'd like to add after our services is a testimonial, and I'd like you to add that for us in this challenge. So what I would like for you to do is to take this lovely photo here of Janeh and her bunny rabbit and this testimonial, and find a way to display that in an attractive way down here underneath Our Services, right about here. Feel free to change all the colors. Feel free to emphasize the photo, de-emphasize the photo, use one of the preexisting testimonial templates. You can add to this page and plug in the text or design one all on your own. It's all up to you. Go ahead and add one of those things to the page. There are a million different answers. I'll show you mine in the next video.
