课程: SQL Server Machine Learning Services: Python


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The Anaconda open-source packages

The Anaconda open-source packages

- [Instructor] One of the factors that contributes to Python's popularity is its extensibility. New capabilities can easily be added by installing additional packages that bring new abilities to the language. When we installed machine learning services on our SQL Server instance, you might remember something about accepting a license agreement from Anaconda. Anaconda is a distribution of Python that already includes a wide selection of some of the most popular add-on packages and it's what Microsoft uses to bring these features to SQL Server. If we visit the Anaconda Website at this URL, you can get a feel for many of the packages that are included. I'm going to scroll down on this page and you'll see that we can develop and train machine learning algorithms with scikit-learn or we could analyze data with Dask, NumPy, pandas, and Numba. Also we can visualize results with Matplotlib or Bokeh. The links like this one here, for Matplotlib will take you to the official sites for each…
