课程: SQL Server Machine Learning Services: Python
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Import a dataset from SQL Server
- [Instructor] So far, we've looked at working with values that are hardcoded in a Python script, but I'm sure what you really want to know is how to work with the data that you've already stored in a SQL Server database. There are three steps to processing SQL Server data with Python. First, import the data that you want to work with in the Python script using a standard T-SQL SELECT query. Second, you're going to do something with that data using Python functions and libraries. And third, you'll then output the processed data to a result set that SQL Server understands. Let's focus on the first step, importing the data into the Python script. In addition to the language and the script parameters of the sp_execute_external_script store procedure, there's another parameter that we can add called input_data_1. Just like language in script, it takes a Unicode value, so it's going to have the capital letter N prefix. And the value of the parameter is a standard T-SQL SELECT query, just…