课程: Skills-First Talent Acquisition
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Map stakeholders and identify champions
- I'd like for you to take a moment to think about someone who you consider to be inspiring. How does that person communicate? What are some things they say? How do they make people around them feel when they communicate? Now, keep that image in your mind as we go through this video. All right, so let's discuss stakeholder mapping and identifying champions at all levels in your organization. Skills-based hiring at its core is a human capital challenge that will either be stalled or solved by people. So your first step in understanding the needs and concerns of people in your organization is to map your stakeholder groups. These are likely to include hiring managers, business unit leaders, your talent acquisition teams, HRBPs, and the actual talent who are in the roles that will first be targeted for skills-based shift. For each group, ask yourself what do they need? What concerns do they have? How might they…