课程: Sketching for Product Design and AEC


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Solution: Sketch 2D geometric shapes and 3D forms

Solution: Sketch 2D geometric shapes and 3D forms

课程: Sketching for Product Design and AEC

Solution: Sketch 2D geometric shapes and 3D forms

- Okay, now I'll walk through the methods I would employ to sketch simple 2D geometric shapes and 3D geometric forms. So to begin with the simple equilateral triangle one suggestion is to lightly sketch a vertical center line followed by a base line perpendicular to that center line. Remember that everything is freehand drawn so while accuracy is important in sketching none of us can draw a straight line so just do it as well as possible and be sure to review before moving on. Sketches are a sequential process which is why a sketch as lightly as possible initially. This way it takes three attempts to get it right I can darken the best line and move on. I'm constantly assessing my accuracy before moving on and I suggest you do the same. The center line which should be the lightest line possible helps determine the length of the baseline which should be centered on it. Once the baseline is sketched in place we have to new vertices or end points. From these points simply project upwards…
