课程: Server Administration Essential Training
What you should know
- [Instructor] Before watching this course there is exactly one thing that you need to know. And that is that this course was designed for everybody. I designed this foundations course in a way that pretty much anybody who's interested in getting involved with Server Administration, should be able to follow along. Now, I do want to tell you that most of this course is concept based but there are a few demonstrations where I actually go into a server and show you how to do something. I'd like to point out that while there are many different types of servers out there, all of those demonstrations will be done on Microsoft windows server 2019. And again, they're going to be done at a high conceptual level. I do want you to know that there are a number of courses in our library that you can also go to if you want to get more detail. Now, I'd also like to point out that because I'm doing everything in the world of Microsoft server, that one of the other major vendors out there is Linux. And we also have Linux courses that can show you how to do everything, I'm going to talk about in this course in the world of Linux. And I want to just give you a few basics. So just give you a starting point of where you can go to learn the Linux side of things. The first would be learning Ubuntu Server, which covers standing up a bare metal server and some basics and networking. Again, a couple of things I will show you here in this course in the world of Microsoft. We also have a course called Linux Network Configuration which we'll just go through the manual configuration of the networking in the world of Linux. And we have Linux Storage Systems which we'll talk about disc partitions, file systems raid, permission, security and things like that. Those are just a few courses that I may reference as I'm going through the course for you to maybe go back and see how things work in the world of Linux, if that's what you're trying to accomplish.