课程: Server Administration Essential Training
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Troubleshooting methodology - Windows Server教程
课程: Server Administration Essential Training
Troubleshooting methodology
- [Instructor] The idea of being good at troubleshooting problems with your servers and your networks is really nothing more than just being familiar with the servers and the networks and being able to recognize when something doesn't look right. So basically I've been teaching you how to troubleshoot throughout this entire course, but beyond that, it's also very important to have a good troubleshooting methodology. So I have five steps here to good troubleshooting, and let's go over each one in detail. First, what are the five steps? You want to identify a problem, theorize a probable cause for the problem, test that theory, see if that actually was the cause of the problem. If it was, plan and implement a resolution and then test to make sure that resolution was successful. So let's start off with identifying the problem. Step one, question the users, here's the thing, we get accused very…