课程: Selling into Industries: Healthcare


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- For a free 30-day trial just enter your credit card number and agree to auto renew every six months, forever. If you're selling something that has the potential of a trial, think very carefully about how and when you use a trial. It's easy to think that a trial is a free way to expedite your sales process, but that is not always the case. In healthcare trials are looked at a bit differently than in other industries. In industries like software or manufacturing a level of mistakes and editing are expected during the trial. Not so in healthcare. Mistakes or product bugs are exponentially more likely to lead to a hard no. Let's talk about when not to use a trial. To the point I just mentioned, don't use a trial if you have a particularly buggy product. While you may know that these bugs are easy to fix or work around in the final implementation, they can cause your buyer to dismiss you without seeing the true value of your solution. Another time you should skip the trial is if you…
