课程: Selling into Industries: Healthcare


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- Another important group in how many flows through healthcare is the supplier. Suppliers provide the medicine, tools, and technology used in doctor's offices, nursing homes, hospitals, and laboratories. They include pharmaceutical companies, medical equipment and device companies, and even software developers. If you're selling to suppliers, differentiation is the name of the game. Anything you can do to help demonstrate that their products or service provide better patient outcomes, or make hospitals run more efficiently, it's a win for you. For example, if you're selling an accounting system to a medical equipment provider, say someone who sells x-ray equipment, you need to be able to demonstrate that your accounting software will do more to make them more efficient. You need to also show that it will help the client they serve improve their accounting, refine their billing process, or speed up reimbursements. When the supplier is organized, it makes it easier on the provider who…
