课程: Selling into Industries: Healthcare


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Provider hot buttons

Provider hot buttons

- Hot buttons are the things that touch a nerve. They're the issues and concerns that when you bring them up, get a reaction. They cause your buyer to act and react. And when you know your prospect's hot buttons, you're much more likely to get them to buy your solution. In the medical industry, one of the largest groups of prospects is providers. The people who actually provide, hands on care. And for the purpose of this video, we're going to lump the doctors, and nurses, and private practice, hospitals, and other care facilities into this one group. One of the biggest and most universal hot buttons for providers is medical errors. And according to the Institute of Medicine, the cost of medical errors is more than $17 billion a year. And they contribute to almost 7,000 deaths in more than 500,000 preventable injuries. If you can offer a solution that reduces the number of medical errors, you will have your prospect's attention. Staffing is another hot button issue. Both cost and…
