课程: Selling into Industries: Healthcare
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Craft your narrative
- I want to tell you about Margaret. She's 71-years-old and she has arthritis, and she has it so severely that every move she makes is a challenge. We normally think about arthritis in terms of walking around or playing golf. But being unable to move your knees or your hands without pain has a lot of other repercussions. For Margaret, it means she can't do even the simplest of things, like holding a fork. And when you can no longer do these simple things for yourself, your mental health starts to suffer, and you feel like you lost control. The good news is that with just a 5% improvement in her condition, Margaret can eat Thanksgiving dinner with her family without any extra help. That 5% allows her to maintain her dignity and gives back that sense of control. That story is an example of how to craft your narrative. And it comes from one of our clients, and I shared it with you to show that impact storytelling can have on your sales process. If I told you, our drug relieves symptoms…