课程: Selling into Industries: Healthcare


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Address the care vs. cost debate

Address the care vs. cost debate

- The overwhelming majority of people who work in the healthcare industry went into the field to help others. They want to prevent illness or injury or they're working to heal people or they might be focused on improving the quality of life for those with chronic conditions. But they get caught in the system. There's a double bind in healthcare, improve patient outcomes but spend less money and that's where you come in. If you're selling into any of these providers or if your customer is a supplier and they're selling to a provider, you need to do some research to figure out two things. First, which patient outcomes does the client get measured on? It's not enough for you to say, "Our treatment plan reduces symptoms by 5%." You need to find out whether that's something they're even looking at. You must clearly articulate how you affect patient care and you need to connect the dots to that individual patient. How is your solution going to help Susan? And second, how does your solution…
