课程: Secure Coding in Go

What you should know

- [Instructor] You should have a working experience with Go and some knowledge of internet related technologies, such as HTTP service. I highly recommend you follow along and run the exercise files. You will need the Go as they key, head over to www.golang.org/dl and download the installer for your operating system. I'll be using Visual Studio Code with the Go extension. Head over to www.codevisualstudio.com and download the installer for your operation system. Once Visual Studio Code is installed, you will need to install the Go extension, click on the extensions and search for Go, you will find the Go extension and install it. Once the Go extension is installed, you will need to install some additional tools. Click on view, command palette and search for Go install update tools, click on it, and then click the checkbox next to the search. Once everything is selected, click okay, wait for everything to get installed and you're ready to go.
