课程: Sales Strategies for an Economic Downturn


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Using the sales call to create a new solution for your customer

Using the sales call to create a new solution for your customer

课程: Sales Strategies for an Economic Downturn

Using the sales call to create a new solution for your customer

- In the last video, we talked about the unseen opportunities and issues you can help your customer uncover. In this video, let's now discuss what solutions you can identify to address those needs. They're looking for solutions to help them be more efficient, more cost effective, or simply better. During a downturn, such as a recession, buyers aren't only concerned about price. They're equally concerned about risk and wasting their dollars on solutions that don't work. Now, you know that all solutions start with understanding customers' needs and objectives. However, just as your value is to identify opportunities they hadn't considered, your value as a sales professional is also to help them see solutions that they hadn't considered. Have you ever had a customer that came to you with a clear idea of exactly what they need, but because of your experience, you can see better options for them? So, you suggest a…
