课程: Sales Strategies for an Economic Downturn
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Leveraging sales insights to discover new customer needs
课程: Sales Strategies for an Economic Downturn
Leveraging sales insights to discover new customer needs
- Asking your sales organization to close deals and meet the revenue targets is a much harder objective in an economic downturn. When recession fear drives your customers to get skittish about purchasing decisions, use the feedback and intelligence that the sales organization gathers from the market to help you adapt your company's strategy. I worked with a CEO from a Fortune 500 tech company who referred to his sales organization as his CIA, you know, central intelligence agency. Why? Because the sales organization are the company's ears on the ground, the connection to what's really going on with customers. Even when the CEO is told something he doesn't want to hear, he considers sales intelligence to be a gift. So start thinking of your sales organization as your CIA. What new challenges are your sellers facing in this economic climate? What products and services are most valuable to your customers? And why are those…