课程: Sales Coaching
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Why you can't motivate people
- How do you motivate people? It's an age old question, and the simple answer is you don't. As a leader, you create the conditions where motivated people can excel. So what does that mean for you as a coach? How can you create conditions that will motivate your reps and help them succeed? There are three things as a leader that you are responsible for in order to create the right environment, expectations, feedback, and resources. If one of your reps is having a problem, ask yourself, "As a coach, did I set clear expectations?" "Did I give clear, skills-based feedback?" And, "Do they have the tools and resources they need to get the job done?" Let's unpack these. First off, clear expectations. Did you know that 90% of performance problems can be traced back to lack of clear expectations. As a coach, you may not be responsible for specific deliverables, but that doesn't mean you're not responsible for being clear…