课程: Sales Coaching
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What to do when your rep always wants price concessions
- You know this situation. The deal is about to close and the rep comes to you and says, "If you can just let me give them a discount, I can get this deal over the line." That's always disappointing because the price war probably could have been avoided if the rep had focused on building value from the very first conversation. There are several techniques you can use to help you improve your rep's ability to sell based on true value. First, coach them on personalizing their decks and making them more specific for the customer. You also want to teach your rep how to ask value-building questions early in the process, questions like, "What would it look like if you were able to improve in this area? Or how much is this area costing you?" Finally, teach your rep to pick up on competitive threats early on. Pricing pushback becomes more challenging to manage when you're squared up against one of your competitors. If that's…