课程: Sales Coaching


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What to do when the customer ignores your rep

What to do when the customer ignores your rep

课程: Sales Coaching

What to do when the customer ignores your rep

- You've made your best effort to make sure the customer is talking to your rep and not you, but sometimes a new face or a more senior person attracts the attention of the customer, especially if they know you're the boss. This often happens if your rep, and the customer are in a new relationship, and haven't yet established much rapport. It can also happen if the customer thinks they might get a more favorable deal with you, the boss than they would their rep. In a worst case scenario, the customer may have decided the rep isn't valuable, or maybe they're even trying to belittle the rep. This is rare, but it does happen. Your job as the manager, and coach is to help your rep improve their success with customers. There are three things you can do to ensure that your rep is not left out of the conversation. First and foremost, have a plan. Talk about what might happen, and how you'll handle it if the…
