课程: Sales Coaching
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Multi-generational sales coaching
- A recent world economic study revealed that cross-generational teams have tangible benefits like greater productivity, retention and up-skilling. So we're not going to slam millennials for iced coffee, talk about gen Z and TikTok or joke about boomers trying to rotate a PDF. We're all just people and we all want to do a good job. Your role as a coach is to flex and help each unique person achieve their own success. Now, each person is unique, but there are some generational themes to be mindful of. Gen Z, they're the youngest of the workforce and they're quickly gaining ground. This group in general tends to have a lower attention span and they often use more digital platforms. At first, you may think, oh, short attention spans, oh no. But don't be worried. Gen Z is often quick to learn and apply new things. Try giving your coaching in small doses, and don't be afraid to use digital tools to help. Learning from…