课程: Sales Coaching
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How to position yourself with the customer
- When you go on a call with your rep, how do you introduce yourself to the customer? As the boss, the coach, a colleague? The best way is don't make a big deal about it. You don't want the customer to behave differently just because you're in the room. Your rep may have told the customer, she was bringing her manager, or she may not have. So unless the customer specifically requested you, or there's a problem that you need to handle, your presence shouldn't have a big impact. One way I recommend introducing yourself is to simply say, "I'm a colleague of Elizabeth, and I'm delighted to be here with her today. She told me..." And then say something relevant about the customer or the company. Then flip it back to your rep and say, "I know she's eager to discuss this with you." Or some version of that. It tells the customer I'm here, It's not a big deal. I know something about you, and then transitions it…