课程: Sales Coaching
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How to improve prospecting
- Let's be honest. One of the reasons a lot of people aren't very good at prospecting is because they don't actually do it, or they don't do it often enough. There are three key elements for successful prospecting that you, the coach, can focus on. First off, qualified leads. All leads are not equal. We're focusing on qualified leads because blind cold calling doesn't work very well. So if you want to help your reps get better at prospecting, make sure they know how to qualify leads. For example, just because a website says, "We work with a variety of vendors," and offers an online contact form, that doesn't mean they're a qualified lead. Ask your rep, "Is this company similar to ones we've worked with in the past? How did you make your contact there? Have they worked with vendors like us in the past?" The second piece is a skill piece, helping your reps craft compelling call openings. Most people open a sales call…