课程: Sales Coaching


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How to handle abusive customers

How to handle abusive customers

课程: Sales Coaching

How to handle abusive customers

- I want to ask you a question. As a coach, what do you do when the customer is absolutely awful? I always tell sales coaches, don't hijack a call, don't take over for your rep, but there is one exception, and that is when the customer is abusive. If a customer is harassing your sales rep or they're belittling them, then it's appropriate for you as the leader to step forward and let the customer know in no uncertain terms, we do not allow our people to be treated that way. I remember early in my career when I was harassed by a customer who was a much older man. I tried to deescalate it, but he would just not quit. I always tried to stay nice because I thought it was part of my job as the sales rep, but it was a very uncomfortable situation. Well, I will never forget the day when my boss happened to observe the customer's bad behavior. My boss stepped in and said, "I'm going to stop this conversation right now. No one…
