课程: Sales Coaching


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During a difficult call

During a difficult call

- It's a sales coaching nightmare. You're in a call with your rep and the call is going south, you can feel it, but your rep does not have a clue. You find yourself thinking, should I intervene? Should I apologize? It's tempting, especially if it's a big deal. You want to jump in and save the call, but that's not always the best first action. Sales coaching live time is like playing chess, if you just take over and do it yourself, that's checkers. But chess at effective sales coaching is more strategic and it's more effective in the long term. It's also a lot harder, you have to think multiple moves ahead. If I say this, it will make the rep say that, which will make the customer do this. Oh! And you have to listen to what's going on in front of you while you formulate that plan. But listen, if I can do it, so can you. You need to find a way to give your rep a chance to collect their thoughts, rather than jumping in…
