课程: Sales Coaching
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Debriefing after a big win
- The sale is closed. It's signed, sealed, and delivered. Life is good. And this is still a critical coaching moment. After a big win, most managers say, "Yay, you got it. You're awesome. Great job." And that's a pretty good response, but if you want to be an excellent sales coach, you can take it a little bit further. You start with the, "Hey great job," and you do it publicly, but then there are two more things that you can do. First off, let your rep and everyone else know exactly what the sales rep did well. Be specific. Identify the skills that your rep used to close the business. That way, they can repeat the behavior and everyone else in your organization knows this is what excellence looks like. It's more than just closing the sale. You want to be very specific about the skills. Say something like, "This took six months, but Susan was tenacious. She was just after it, after it, after it, every minute."…