课程: Sales Coaching
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Create killer presentations and proposals
- When was the last time you had to sit through a boring presentation? How many slides were in it? How much text was on each slide? And how many times did you have to pinch yourself just to stay awake? The truth is, most presentations are boring. Horribly so. There are three reasons so many presentations are boring and ineffective. And I'm going to tell you how to help your rep avoid those traps. First off, most presentations are so boring because they're about the seller, not the customer. If your rep is making a sales presentation, particularly if they're making it to a group, ask them, "What are this customer's objectives? And I'm going to give you a little hint. The customer never has the objective to buy. You want your rep to be able to articulate the customer's true business objectives. Those objectives should be the starting point for any presentation or proposal. Steer your rep away from…