课程: Reverse Engineering Foundations: Product Design


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Manifold parts

Manifold parts

- [Instructor] So a very important point to make is whether or not you have a manifold or a non manifold scan. So here I have a couple of bins side by side. One of 'em is a manifold bin, and the other one is non manifold. I know this because I have them properly labeled. But, how do I verify what's manifold and what's non manifold? The easiest way is a quick visual. I'm just going to go ahead and pick both of these meshes. Right mouse click, just go into Properties, and I'm going to turn on Free Edges and Non-manifold Edges. And what's going to happen is the system's going to show me any free edge. You'll see it's highlighting those free edges. It turns 'em yellow, in this case. So if I zoom in on it and take a look, you can see that, oh, this isn't going to hold water. So, basically a manifold mesh, like this one, will hold water. If I pour something into the bin it's going to hold that water. Or actually the shape or the form. If, like in this case, you have gaps in the mesh, it's…
