课程: React: Creating and Hosting a Full-Stack Site (2022)

Installing Node.js and NPM

- [Instructor] All right, so before we get started, let's install the tools necessary for this course. Now Node.Js is going to be a really important tool for running our code and installing a few libraries that we'll be using to make our programming easier. So, if you don't already have Node.Js installed, you can download the installer from Node.Js's website, which is nodejs.org, and what you're going to want to do probably is download the long term support version, which is the LTS version over here. The version that you see might be a little different from the version that I see, but whatever this is over here, you're going to want to download that. And once you've downloaded that, you're just going to need to run the installer and Node.Js should walk you through the rest. So once you've done all of that, just to make sure you've set up everything correctly, you're going to want to open up a terminal. And I'm using the builtin terminal in Visual Studio Code, which is the IDE that I'm going to be using in this course if you're interested in using it, as well. And what you're going to need to do in order to check to make sure that Node.Js and NPM are installed correctly is just run node -v and that will show you the current version of Node.Js that you're using. And you're also going to want to run npm -v and hit enter, and that will show you the current version of NPM that you're using. Now, I am using the current version, which is not the long term support version currently, but I wanted to use a later version just to make sure that this course was relevant for as long as possible. So anyway, as long as you can run those commands and you see a version that's at least somewhat similar to the ones that I have here, you should be good to go.
