课程: React: Creating and Hosting a Full-Stack Site (2022)
Create a full-stack website
- It is a really exciting time to be a JavaScript developer. In the old days, companies used to need separate developers to work on their front end, their back end, their mobile apps, their databases, et cetera since all of those required experience with different types of programming and different programming languages. But all of this has changed now. JavaScript can now be used to develop each of these platforms, meaning that one JavaScript developer can now create something that used to take an entire team. In this course, I'm going to show you how to create and deploy a full stack react powered blog website from scratch with user authentication. We'll start off by using React to create an interactive front end for our site, and then move on to writing a node JS server with Express tied in with MongoDB. After that, we're going to see how to add basic user authentication to our app, using a very helpful tool called Firebase Off and then we'll close out by seeing how to host this entire full stack site that we've built on Google Cloud and access it from anywhere. I'm Shaun Wassell and I'm a senior JavaScript and React developer and educator. Join me in my LinkedIn learning course to learn how to build a full stack react powered blog site from scratch.