课程: R for Data Science: Lunch Break Lessons


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- [Instructor] Programming in R implies that you've eventually run into something called a data frame. It also probably means that you've run into something called a tibble, and let's take a moment to talk about what tibbles are and how they relate to data frames. As a side note, we're looking at visual studio code configured as an R integrated development environment. This is something a little new, but it'll give you an example of how to use VS code to write R. Let's get started. In line four, I'm pulling in the tidyverse library, and I'll do that by selecting something in the line, and on my Macintosh, hitting command return. That runs that line of code. You'll notice that the bottom half of my screen has changed. I'm now looking at the terminal, and I'm looking at feedback from that command that I've just run, and all it's saying is, when you install the tidyverse, these are the packages and conflicts that it…
