课程: R for Data Science: Lunch Break Lessons


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The new forward pipe operator

The new forward pipe operator

- [Trainer] R4.1 was recently released and it included a couple of really interesting new features. One of them is called Pipe Forward. And it replaces the previous Magrittr percent greater than percent pipeline symbol. Let me show you how this looks. In order to demonstrate this I need to create a variable. So we'll call it Myvar and into it we'll place the values one through 100. Just like that. Now let me demonstrate how to manipulate Myvar using base R and to do that I'm going to create, first of all, intermediate variable. And into it I'm going to place five. The results of the five numb function of Myvar. Five numb places minimum, maximum and quantiles of the value that has been given. So intermediateVar now contains five values. So I'd like to plot the results of five numb Myvar. So I'm going to use bar plot to plot intermediate value. And when I hit return, you can see that we have a…
