课程: R for Data Science: Lunch Break Lessons


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- [Instructor] When you're learning R, it's great to use different resources. You've already looked at the linked in library, but there's also something called swirl, which is an interactive program to teach R, and it's written in R. Let's take a look. The first thing you'll need to do in order to use swirl is to install packages, quote, swirl. And then you'll use the library command to bring swirl into play. To use swirl, just simply type in swirl, and it's a function, so accept the parentheses, and hit return, and we're immediately into an interactive program. What shall I call you? Well, let's call me Mark. Swirl gives you a couple of navigational lessons, and then says are you ready to start? Well, of course, we're ready to continue. Some more instructions, and then it says which course would you like to run? It's giving us a choice of five courses, R Programming, Regression Models, Statistical Inference, and…
