课程: R for Data Science: Lunch Break Lessons


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Plumber request and response objects

Plumber request and response objects

- [Instructor] We're talking about Plumber, which is an R package that allows you to convert your existing R code into a web API. It's an extremely useful way to distribute your information, your data science, and your data to other people so that they can consume it in their webpages or reports. Last week, I provided you with an introduction of what Plumber looks like. This week, let's dive down a little deeper. And I'll caution you, Plumber is a deep subject. There is a lot going on here. You've got R, you've got Plumber, which is the API generator, and you've got the worldwide web, and all of that tools and concepts and data that you need to understand, in order to understand how to talk to tools. using HTTP. Plumber provides a great set of articles that you'll want to look at in-depth when you're ready to start debugging or writing more advanced code. This week, let's talk about the request and response objects that…
