课程: R for Data Science: Lunch Break Lessons


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Overview of dplyr

Overview of dplyr

- If you've programmed with the R programming language, you have certainly run into something called the tidyverse, and if you've run into something called the tidyverse, then you have certainly run into something called dplyr, or dplyr, depending on how you prefer to pronounce it. dplyr is a sophisticated package designed for data manipulation, and it uses a tidyverse syntax. It's best to think of dplyr as a collection of tools, and in lines 7 through 12, I've identified the major tools. Each tool has individual ways of configuring it. These tools are mutate, select, filter, summarize, arrange, and group by. Let's take a look at some dplyr code to see how these all fit together. In line 15 through 23, I've created what is normally seen as dplyr code, and I say normally because this is using the tidyverse pipe command or then command, and you'll see that at the end of lines 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22. It's a percent…
