课程: R for Data Science: Lunch Break Lessons


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dbplyr translates R to SQL

dbplyr translates R to SQL

- We've been talking about dplyr. And dplyr has a helper function called dbplyr which provides dplyr with access to SQL tables. Much of this happens automatically and behind the scenes, but it makes sense to know that this is happening and how it's happening. So let's take a session and talk a bit about dbplyr, how it sets up and what it looks like. You're looking at code to demonstrate dbplyr and the first thing you'll want to notice is line 11 where I bring in the tidyverse. Now I've already installed it so I don't need to reinstall it. I just need line 11, which is library tidyverse. And you can see that that enables the entire package. When you run library, tidyverse, you may see many, many more warnings and alerts, because tidyverse does a lot of installations. In my case, I've already installed it and brought it in. So all of those alerts have already previously been shown. Now you can take a shortcut, and in line…
