课程: R for Data Science: Lunch Break Lessons


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- [Instructor] We just spoke about the glue function, part of a package called glue, and I mentioned that it had the ability to add color to text. And the way that it does that is by using yet another package called crayon. And I want to spend a little bit of time with crayon to show you how interesting it is and some of the unique things that it offers. In order to use crayon, you'll need to install a package. And in line four, you can see that I've included that code. I'll go ahead and run that. And then you need to use the library command to bring it into play. The immediate thing that crayon does for us is add text features, things like strike through. So here on line seven is cat which is similar to print with a strike through command for Hello. And if we run that, you'll see down in the lower left hand corner the word Hello with a horizontal strike through it. Now, in addition to strike through, there's also bold…
