课程: R for Data Science: Lunch Break Lessons


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- [Narrator] A really powerful feature is that R is reproducible and documented, so that if you use R in your research, you can pass that code on to another researcher and they can figure out what it is that you did to turn up the results that you were looking for. Part of that reproducibility is citing your sources, citations, and R provides a really interesting way to cite the code that you've created. It's very simple. There's a command, it's called citation, C-I-T-A-T-I-O-N, And if you type it in with no parameters, you receive two things. You receive some simple text to site R in publications. In this case, the default is citing the R Core Team, a language and environment for statistical computing, and you can see that at the very beginning of the screen here. In addition, citation provides a BibTeX entry, and you can see that it's @manual, title equals author equals organization equals. If you are interested in the…
