课程: R for Data Science: Lunch Break Lessons


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Beta and gamma

Beta and gamma

- Beta and gamma are two functions special to math, used in advanced math such as linear algebra, calculus, and engineering. Not surprisingly, R has those functions available for you as well as related. Let's take a look at those. Now, if you've already studied advanced math beta and gamma functions, you know that beta has two arguments and gamma has one. So let's create a couple of arguments we're going to use. I'm going to call the first one, M M M because it's bad form to have a one letter variable and into M M M, I'm going to place three could be any number. And then I'm going to create a variable called N N N for the same reason. We'll put in four just because to obtain a beta of M M M and N N N is simplicity. B E T A parenthesis, the first variable and the second variable and beta returns the value. Now we can confirm how beta works by pulling up an equation and I've already typed it out here in line seven. You'll…
