课程: R Code Challenges: Data Science
- [Instructor] This course provides you with the CoderPad development environment. When you open CoderPad, you'll see four panes. On the top left, you'll see a list of parameters and functions, and a description of the challenge. Parameters are values that you'll need to pass into the function. The result is also described. Take note that the type of the result is important. In this case, notice that the result must be a named vector, versus just a standard vector. Each challenge includes one or more examples. They show different parameter values and what results would be returned for each test case. Create your answer in the top right panel. There are comments in the starting code showing where to put your solution. When you click Test my code, you'll see a message indicating whether your code returned a correct result. The showExpectedResult, showHints and showPackages will help you debug your solutions. If they're false, turn them to true to showHints, expectedResults, or showPackages. The showPackages variable will list all of the R packages installed and available for your use. The code editor in the lower right corner shows how your solution is used. You can change that code to test different cases. Regardless of whether your answer is successful, you'll see messages in the console output in the lower left-hand corner. If any messages are too long to fit in that area, you can scroll sideways to see all of the text. When you finished each code challenge, press Submit and return to the course's table of contents. Then click the next video to see my solution.