课程: Quick Scripts for Difficult Conversations

Scripts to make hard conversations easier

- Firing someone. Difficult feedback. Handling employees' tears. Your job as a manager can be pretty tough, and sometimes you wish you had a playbook of scripts so you'd know what to say. Well, here you go. My name is Alisa Cohn. I'm an executive coach, and the author of "From Start-up to Grown-up," a book about growing as a leader. Part of your growth as a leader is learning how to have tough conversations with ease. These quick scripts will help you do just that. We're going to cover nine topics that can be hard to navigate, and that you'll definitely encounter in your role as a manager. You may not look forward to this part of your job, but at least you'll have a starting point. So hang on to your hat, and join me for some quick scripts for difficult conversations.
