课程: Python Essential Libraries


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Overview of PyFilesystem

Overview of PyFilesystem

- [Instructor] As you are probably already aware, files and directories are a very common way of storing and organizing data. In this chapter, we're going to see how to use the PyFilesystem package to work with files and directories. Now the Python standard library comes with a few built-in modules for working with them, such as the OS and IO modules, but PyFilesystem provides several advantages over using those modules in your code. First, PyFilesystem is generally simpler and less error prone to use than the built-in Python modules. This means you can write code that's a lot more concise for some common operations than if you just use the standard library. PyFilesystem also provides a higher level abstraction from where your files are actually physically stored. So as a result, you can write code that accesses files regardless of whether they are stored on a hard drive, or a Zip file, an FTP server, a cloud storage…
