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How to network without being obnoxious
- Being in sales needn't sentence you to a lifetime of awkward networking events virtually or in person. Yes, networking is important for a long, successful career in sales or anywhere else, but it doesn't have to be obnoxious. So, let's talk about some techniques to not only help you be an amazing networker, but also to bring out the best in the people you meet with. To be a great networker, much like being a great sales rep, means focusing on the other person. If you introduce yourself to someone, and they say, "I'm a rep for," or, "I'm a teacher," whatever answer they give you describing what they do for a living, I want you to think, who is this person affecting? Is it customers? Is it students? Is it other people? Are they a product developer or do they do something related to the environment? Then when you respond, you can say something like, "Wow, I bet you have a big impact on," whoever their…