课程: Project Management Foundations

Challenge: Change request

课程: Project Management Foundations

Challenge: Change request

(funky music) - [Instructor] One issue identified in this chapter is that delays in the vendor procurement process have delayed the project finish date past the grant expiration date. This is a top priority issue because the grant money covers most of the expenses for the hospital scheduling system. One solution to this problem shows promise. Your sponsor and the change review board have approved the change request for the vendor to perform the work for this solution. The change request is available in the exercise files. You have created a schedule, budget, resource plan, risk plan, communication plan, and quality plan for the project. In this challenge, determine which of these tools and plans need to be updated for this change request. Provide an overview of the changes that need to be made. Take about 20 minutes for this challenge. After you complete the challenge, you can head to the exercise files to take a look at my solution.
