课程: Programming Foundations: Design Patterns


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Solution: The simple Factory pattern

Solution: The simple Factory pattern

(bright electronic music) - [Instructor] Here's our challenge solution. We created a Zone class with a String display name and an integer offset. We also implemented the two getter methods for those fields. Each specific zone subclass extends zone and sets the appropriate display name and offset for each specific time zone. And here's the Zone Factory class. This factory has one method, create zone, which takes the string zone ID. We test the zone ID for each of the possible zone classes we can create, and create the appropriate concrete zone class and return that. The calendar will use the factory to create a zone, and then use that zone class to display the calendar appointments. The calendar doesn't have to worry about the specific type of the zone, and if we want to add support for more time zones, we can do that by updating the Zone Factory without having to modify any calendar code.
