课程: Programming Foundations: Design Patterns
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Challenge: The Strategy pattern
(energetic music) - [Instructor] Take a look at the class diagram on this slide. We have an abstract class, PhoneCameraApp, with four methods: take, edit, save and share. And, we have two concrete classes that extend PhoneCameraApp. BasicCameraApp, and CameraPlusApp. The edit method in the superclass is abstract, because each camera app will provide its own specialized editor, but the rest of the methods can be inherited by the subclasses. We get a lot of code reuse, because the taking, saving and sharing are the same across many apps. That way, the apps can implement custom editors that get the other functionality for free from the superclass. The share method in the superclass lets the user pick how they want to share the photo, and then uses that algorithm to share. Right now, the share method allows the user to share photos by text and by email. We're running into a problem, however. We keep having to…
Revisiting inheritance1 分钟 30 秒
Limitations of inheritance4 分钟 18 秒
Trying interfaces2 分钟 28 秒
Get inspiration from design principles3 分钟 37 秒
Programming to an interface1 分钟 32 秒
Applying the principles4 分钟 36 秒
Exploring the strategy pattern1 分钟 59 秒
Why HAS-A is better than IS-A2 分钟 4 秒
Challenge: The Strategy pattern2 分钟
Solution: The Strategy pattern46 秒