课程: Programming Foundations: Design Patterns
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Applying the principles
- [Instructor] Let's take a look at some sample code to demonstrate how we implement our new design and pull out and separate what varies in our code. For this sample code, we'll just Java. We'll be showing just a few snippets of code. To see the full working examples, download the exercise files. We'll begin by looking at the flying and quacking behaviors we've pulled out from the ducks. Recall one of the design principles we've talked about. Program to an interface, not an implementation. For both our behaviors, we'll define interfaces that all behaviors will implement. So, all fly behaviors will implement the flyBehavior interface. For example, we might implement a FlyWithWings behavior that implements regular flying and a FlyNoWay behavior that implements no flying for a duck that can't fly. Likewise all quack behaviors will implement the quack behavior interface. We might implement quacking behaviors like…
Revisiting inheritance1 分钟 30 秒
Limitations of inheritance4 分钟 18 秒
Trying interfaces2 分钟 28 秒
Get inspiration from design principles3 分钟 37 秒
Programming to an interface1 分钟 32 秒
Applying the principles4 分钟 36 秒
Exploring the strategy pattern1 分钟 59 秒
Why HAS-A is better than IS-A2 分钟 4 秒
Challenge: The Strategy pattern2 分钟
Solution: The Strategy pattern46 秒